Extraction Day Sneak Peak. Is it a picture or is it a movie?

It’s been quite a journey filming Extraction Day, and it’s bitter-sweet to think that we are only a few weeks away from the end of shooting. We just wrapped on our opening battle scene and we will be releasing some insider pics shortly. We filmed this epic sequence last week with an amazing, dedicated cast and crew of over 30 members, and once again the footage looks amazing. We can’t wait to share it with you.

In the meantime though, here are some frame grabs from the post fire fight, showing Emily Keller (played by Allison Busner) and Jacob Bradley (played by Jeremy Ninaber). Stay tuned for more!


Emily keller contemplates her next move

Hollywood has nothing on us.

Might be a bold statement but it barely describes how I am feeling after this past weekend of filming. We were finally able to film the biggest scene of Extraction Day thus far, and we honestly could not have done any of it without the amazing help of so many people.


Our set looked like a command center straight out of a Bond movie. From set deck to actors, make-up and props, to kraft services and cameras, it was basically “Epic-ness” in it’s purest form. Friends even lent us their own personal belongings to help make things happen.

Shooting took place in the attic of an old hotel in downtown Hespeler, Cambridge.  That means no heat, no electricity, no insulation and no bathroom. As I’m sure you can imagine, those factors in and of itself made for an exciting time.

Here are some behind-the-scenes pictures of what we filmed:

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It took two days of set up to get this place looking just right. Some of our guys even took one for the team, spending the night in the old “haunted” hotel.

High Rise Studio set a new record this weekend, as we worked with a cast of 13 people and a crew of 14.

Here’s a little background:

The Command Center scene kicks off the beginning of Extraction Day. Information has been leaked to GATE (the Global Anti-Terrorist Entity). GATE sends in an elite task force to capture a high priority target within a very hostile environment. This scene is incredibly important, so shooting it in two days was a gigantic undertaking. But with the script, story boards and shot lists in hand, we did it!

A huge thank you goes out to our cast and crew. You guys were amazing and made shooting an absolute blast.

I can honestly say I am almost as excited for the blooper reel as I am for the movie to be finished!

We’ve already started preparations for shooting our next scene, which happens in conjunction with the Command Center.  For this scene, we have an Elite Task force  entering a hostile factory building.

This scene is going to be unreal. It is also going to be more challenging than anything we’ve ever done before.

From firing live rounds, to air canons and squibs, you’ll see some of the biggest, baddest looking guys you’ve ever seen.  Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us.

In close, I just wanted to mention that there is no way that we could have made this film without your support.

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We would like to extend a special thanks to the Multicultural Club for lending us  equipment, Giovanna and Jamie for doing hair and make-up, Nathan Grieve for lending us his trailer and car all weekend, and Thinkalee for the location.

We are currently raising funds to film the rest of Extraction Day.  So far, 50 people have helped us financially and we have reached 30 percent of our goal.

We only have 28 days left to finish raising the remaining amount of $9,560. We know we can do it, but we definitely need your help.

If you would like to help make this happen for us, or you would like to get more information on what we are doing, check out http://www.extractionday.com.IMG_9841extraction day-41extraction day-80extraction day-93

Video Sells Products. Period.

Why does video work? What is it about video that attracts people and drives sales?

Well, according to ReelSeo.com, videos on business websites sell products, even if they are not even watched.

Why? Because product videos sell products.  You don’t have to watch a video to know that the company you are looking at is invested in their product, taking time to produce a video that their potential clients might see.  As a company, it makes you a more reliable source and trusted brand.

“People feel more secure if they know you are able to show video on your site, because….1) It means you trust your product enough to show it in full multi-dimensional format, and 2) It means you are an e-tailer that invests in your site, bringing your customers the best user experience possible.”

Now that being said, the quality of video is another determining factor, as to whether or not it will increase your sales and business. A poorly created video may have the opposite effect that you were hoping for. Quality does matter!

Remember the old saying, “You get what you pay for”? The same is true when it comes to video. Yes, your next-door neighbours brother-in-law’s nephew may have a nice looking video camera and is only charging you $200.00, but what are you telling your customers when they see the quality on your website? As well, they may  not be creating the most effect video for your business.

Going with a video production company who is focused on giving you the best video for your money (Uhhumm…High Rise Studio), will not only put more trust in you as a company, but will make you proud to show it and advertise, ultimately resulting in increased sales for you.

So what are you waiting for? You know a video is just what you need to take your company to the next level.

Give High Rise Studio a call today, because this is where your story begins.


**All quotes were taken from www.ReelSeo.com. Click on the link for me information.***

I Love Boobies…

…Did that catch your attention? We hope so.

That was our goal when pitching our idea for the American Cancer Society’s new campaign entitled “The Official Sponsor of Birthdays.” We wanted to create a concept that took a bit of a risk, but that caught people’s attention and made them connect with the story at hand.

We decided to highlight real people who had been affected in some way by breast cancer, whether it be personally or someone close to them.

The American Cancer Society took notice, as we took first place in the competition for the new campaign. We are so proud of the people who volunteered their time to showcase their first hand experience with breast cancer.

Apparently the world has begun to take notice too. The video was only posted on October 11, 2011, and already we are at 134.087 views and counting! (It was only at 15,000 views on Saturday night!)

Hopefully with the help of this video, people will choose to Join Us in the Fight.  One day we WILL be able to find a cure.


Last month we had the opportunity to bring two of our passions together: Photography and Chocolate.

The owners over at Harden & Huyse Chocolate decided it was time to do a little “re-branding”, if you will, for their exceptionally gourmet (and delicious) Belgian chocolates. We spent the day taking numerous photos of the chocolates (and eating them, of course), and showing how to incorporate the chocolates in to everyday life.

We’ll admit, this was probably one of our most gluttonous shoots yet, but we are in no way complaining. The chocolates are DELICIOUS!

One thing we learned along the way? Never give a child chocolate when you are trying to take their picture, or you’ll end up getting pictures like this:

The end result turned out marvellously, with H&H being extremely happy with the end result. We are excited to be able to partner with them and help them promote their spectacular chocolate.

Our favourite part of the day? The 300 chocolate leftovers in our fridge after the shoot. Let’s just say we’ve had our fill of chocolates for the next little while.

Check out their website for more pictures and amazing chocolates at www.greatchocolate.com

Behind the Scenes – HomeAway

Here are a few pictures highlighting one of our most recent commercials for a company called HomeAway.

Although we didn’t win the bid for them, we sure had fun making their commercial.

This is just a sneak peak. Make sure to check out our Facebook page for all the behind the scenes pics of all our adventures this summer!

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

We’ve had an incredibly fun summer here at High Rise Studio. Much of that was due to the fact that we had the opportunity to have two interns join our team: Jonah Fortin and Ruud Nugteren.

Jonah and Ruud have been crucial to so many of our films this summer, helping out with graphics and audio, as well as second sets of hands on different shoots. We are sad to see them head off back to school this fall, but so glad for the opportunity to have them work with us this summer. We’re looking forward to having them back next year, and continually growing our team with the next generation of film makers!

Here’s a little collage of their time here at High Rise Studio

High Rise Receives High Honour

High Rise Studio received a high honour a few weeks ago, when PopTent, the hosts of our PayPal commercial, invited us to create a concept for a new Dannon Yogurt commercial to be aired during the Superbowl, starring the one and only John Stamos. Yes, for all of you Full House fans out there, that is Uncle Jesse.

Only 35 people across the nation were chosen specifically for this task, one of them being the High Rise Studio team.

Last week, the High Rise Studio team was out braving the cold rain, creating a commercial that is bound to take top spot in the competition. We’ll be sure to fill you in on its success!

Here is some behind the scenes of what it’s like on set with the boys at High Rise Studio.

How PayPal Will Save You from a Zombie Apocalypse – High Rise Studio Style

Ever wonder what you would do if the world came under a zombie apocalypse and you were the only person left? How would you survive? Well the boys at High Rise Studio knew that the only thing that really could save you was, well …. PayPal.

And PayPal is taking notice.

A few weeks ago a world wide challenge was sent out through PopTent (a vibrant community of filmmakers, who are connecting to each other and to companies that want to pay them for their talents.) to find the next PayPal commercial, showcasing how PayPal is the “Future of Money”. The High Rise Studio team, along with 428 other applicants, accepted this challenge to show the world how PayPal will be all you need when it comes to money in the future. And what better way to do this by bringing zombies in to the mix?

The High Rise Studio team won the challenge, beating out 33 other submissions and becoming the front of PayPal’s new campaign to showcase how the digital era is changing the way we use money.

Not only does PayPal now know who High Rise Studio is, the world will begin to see the work that is coming out of Conestogo, Ontario. The video was posted on All Things D, a sister site of the Wall Street Journal!  It was also showcased on Zombie Wagon.  We are super excited for the team here at High Rise and even more excited to see where we will go from here.

*Keep a close eye out during the video. You may see a few familiar faces.

New This Month – Melissa Joy Borger

Last week we had the privilege of having music artist Melissa Joy Borger in the studio.

Melissa is an extremely talented musician, artist, hair designer and mom from Toronto, Ontario.

Melissa took some time out of her busy schedule to come down to High Rise Studio and shoot a few videos to help promote her music career.

We wanted to give you a peek into just how great Melissa Borger is. If you haven’t heard of her before, you’re definitely missing out.

Be sure to check out her website to find out when she’s coming to a venue near you and you can also buy her EP “Dear Poet” on iTunes. You will not be disappointed.

What would YOU like to hear Melissa sing next?

Stolen by Melissa Borger

Justin Bieber – Baby ft. Ludacris Cover by Melissa Borger

Jessie J – Price Tag ft. BoB Cover by Melissa Borger